Narwee Baptist Church - Sermon Archive

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Date Speaker Name Description Link to audio file Bible Book Sermon Series
2022-12-04 Ange Gratsounas Ange will be speaking from Luke 1:5-25 on 'A Great Surprise' Audio for Download: Morning service Luke
2022-12-04 Ange Gratsounas Ange will be speaking from Luke 1:5-25 on 'A Great Surprise' Audio for Download: Mandarin service Luke
2022-12-04 Matt White Matt will be speaking from John 1:26-38 on 'When God announces the impossible' Audio for Download: Evening service John
2022-11-27 Ange Gratsounas Ange will continue our parables series, speaking from Luke 19:11-27 on 'Parable of the Ten Minas' Audio for Download: Morning service Luke Parables
2022-11-27 Ange Gratsounas Ange will continue our parables series, speaking from Luke 19:11-27 on 'Parable of the Ten Minas' Audio for Download: Morning service Luke Parables
2022-11-27 Lianbo Zhang Lianbo will continue our parables series, speaking from Luke 19:11-27 on 'Parable of the Ten Minas' Audio for Download: Mandarin service Luke Parables
2022-11-27 Matt White Matt will conclude our Light and Life series, speaking from John 12 on 'Here comes the King' Audio for Download: Evening service John Light and Life
2022-11-20 Ange Gratsounas Ange will speak from Luke 18:9-14 on the 'Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector' as part of our 'Parables' series Audio for Download: Morning service Luke Parables
2022-11-20 Ange Gratsounas Ange will speak from Luke 18:9-14 on the 'Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector' as part of our 'Parables' series Audio for Download: Morning service Luke Parables
2022-11-20 Lianbo Zhang Lianbo will speak from Luke 18:9-14 on the 'Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector' as part of our 'Parables' series Audio for Download: Mandarin service Luke
2022-11-20 Lachlan Miller At the Youth Service this week Lachlan will speak from John 11 on 'Tears, Comfort & Resurrection' Audio for Download: Evening service John Light and Life
2022-11-13 Ange Gratsounas Ange will speak from Luke 16:19-31 on the 'Parable of the rich man and Lazarus' Audio for Download: Morning service Luke Parables
2022-11-13 Ange Gratsounas Ange will speak from Luke 16:19-31 on the 'Parable of the rich man and Lazarus' Audio for Download: Morning service Luke Parables
2022-11-13 Lianbo Zhang Lianbo will speak from Luke 16:19-31 on the 'Parable of the rich man and Lazarus' Audio for Download: Mandarin service Luke
2022-11-13 Matt White Matt will continue in our 'Light and Life' series, speaking from John 10:22-42 on "I'm still not sure about Jesus" Audio for Download: Evening service John Light and Life
2022-11-06 Ange Gratsounas Ange will continue in our parables series, speaking from Luke 15 on 'The Parable of the Lost Sons' Audio for Download: Morning service Luke Parables
2022-11-06 Ange Gratsounas Ange will continue in our parables series, speaking from Luke 15 on 'The Parable of the Lost Sons' Audio for Download: Morning service Luke Parables
2022-11-06 Matt White Matt will be continuing our series in our Light & Life series, speaking from John 10:1-21 on 'Jesus the Good Shepherd' Audio for Download: Evening service John Light and Life
2022-11-06 Lianbo Zhang Lianbo will continue in our parables series, speaking from Luke 15 on 'The Parable of the Lost Sons' Audio for Download: Mandarin service Luke Parables
2022-10-30 QuizWorx This Sunday at 9am we will be having the Playtime & Kidz Church Super Sunday, featuring teaching from QuizWorx Audio for Download: Morning service

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