Category Listing

Saturday 21st May, 2016
Meet at HARS at 10:15am
Car pooling from NBC at 8.45am (recommend $5 each for petrol).
Train leaves Hurstville 8.48am, arrives Albion Park 10.32am. Return train leaves Albion Park 2.16pm, arrives Hurstville 4.55pm.
Illawarra Regional Airport
Cnr Airport Road & Boomerang Drive, Albion Park Rail
Open daily 9:30am to 3:30pm 02 4257 4333
ADMISSION - Adults $15 - Children $5 - Families $35
Contact Geoff Harris 0425 346 317 or
Ian Gordon 9153 7086

Men’s Ministry – HARS Aviation Museum

Saturday 21st May, 2016
Meet at HARS at 10:15am
Car pooling from NBC at 8.45am (recommend $5 each for petrol).
Train leaves Hurstville 8.48am, arrives Albion Park 10.32am. Return train leaves Albion Park 2.16pm, arrives Hurstville 4.55pm.
Illawarra Regional Airport
Cnr Airport Road & Boomerang Drive, Albion Park Rail
Open daily 9:30am to 3:30pm 02 4257 4333
ADMISSION – Adults $15 – Children $5 – Families $35
Contact Geoff Harris 0425 346 317 or
Ian Gordon 9153 7086

Men’s Breakfast – Where is God when cancer strikes?

Guest Speaker: Dr. Malcolm Gill

When: Saturday April 2 at 8am
Where: Club Grandviews, 821 Forest Road Peakhurst
Cost: $17 adults/$15 students.

Malcolm Gill is a lecturer in New Testament and Preaching at Sydney Missionary & Bible College. Married with three young children, he was serving as a pastor at St Barnabas Broadway, when he was diagnosed with cancer.

Cost: $17 adults / $15 students.

RSVP by Sunday March 27. Book in after church services or contact the Church Office 9534 2699 or John Chate 9570 4188


Men’s Breakfast

Is it possible to believe anymore?
Saturday August 29 at 8am
Speaker: Dr Michael Jensen
Michael Jensen defends and promotes the gospel through his books and articles in the mainstream media. He is the minister of St Mark’s Darling Point and is the author of a number of books including My God, My God: is it possible to believe anymore? At Club Grandviews 821 Forest Road Peakhurst
$17 adults / $15 students. Tickets available after Sunday services or from the church office 9534 2699.

Basecamp Katoomba

31st July– 1st August
Formerly known as Men’s Katoomba Convention.
Tickets and accommodation have been finalised- if you have booked in, please see John Chate to organise payment and receive your ticket.

If you would like to go to the one day Basecamp on August 8 in the city, please see Brett Hookham or call 9534 2699.


Men’s Breakfast

April 5 at 8am at Club Grandviews, 821 Forest Road Peakhurst

Topic: Jesus Brings wisdom for love, sex and relationships

Speaker: Joe Alberts
Joe is a practicing Clinical Psychologist. He lectures in the field of Group psychotherapy in the Counselling department at Morling College. He has a special interest in Mental Health and presents Mental First Aid Training courses and consults in the field of the management of mental health in organisations. Joe is an active member of Thornleigh Baptist Community Church where he heads up the mentoring initiative and serves as family group leader. Joe is married to Carin and has three children. He loves and rides things with two wheels and is a keen spearfisher.