Christianity Explained

5 Monday nights beginning May 7
7.30pm to 9.00pm
Join us for a free five-week course explaining Christianity and
how to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. You do not need to know
anything about the Bible. You won’t be asked to read aloud, pray, or answer questions.
You will be given every chance to discuss and ask questions. The course will be accompanied by coffee & dessert.

Topics covered:
May 7 Jesus—Son of God
May 14 Jesus—His Crucifixion
May 21 Jesus—His Resurrection
May 28 Grace not Works
Jun 4 Repentance and Belief

Venue: in meeting rooms 1 and 2
Leaders: Ange Gratsounas and Brett Hookham
RSVP: to Ange Gratsounas or the church office 9534 2699 by May 6