Category Listing

Discovering Discipleship

A 7 week course which starts on Monday July 30 and finishes on September 10
7.30 to 9pm in the upstairs meeting rooms 1 & 2

With coffee and dessert

A wonderful course for new Christians and for those who want to get a refresher in the basics of the Christian life to enable them to thrive in their walk with God. We use the seven week course, Back to Basics produced by Matthias Media.

RSVP to the church office 9534 2699 or email

The course is free


CAP Money Course

Thursdays May 17, 24 & 31, 7-9pm at NBC
The CAP Money Course is a revolutionary money management course that teaches people budgeting skills that really work. The course will help anyone to get more in control of their finances, so they can budget, save and prevent overwhelming debt. To register go to or contact Peter Thomas 0411129375.

Christianity Explained

5 Monday nights beginning May 7
7.30pm to 9.00pm
Join us for a free five-week course explaining Christianity and
how to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. You do not need to know
anything about the Bible. You won’t be asked to read aloud, pray, or answer questions.
You will be given every chance to discuss and ask questions. The course will be accompanied by coffee & dessert.

Topics covered:
May 7 Jesus—Son of God
May 14 Jesus—His Crucifixion
May 21 Jesus—His Resurrection
May 28 Grace not Works
Jun 4 Repentance and Belief

Venue: in meeting rooms 1 and 2
Leaders: Ange Gratsounas and Brett Hookham
RSVP: to Ange Gratsounas or the church office 9534 2699 by May 6

Stepping On – for Mandarin speakers

Wednesday mornings for 7 weeks starting on February 21

10am to 12 noon

Upstairs meeting rooms 1 and 2

Stepping On is an exciting, friendly and free community program aimed at preventing falls, encouraging active living and maintaining independence in older people. This program was developed by Lindy Clemson and Megan Swann and is now implemented statewide by NSW Health.

Stepping On is a 7-week program and gives individuals the skills and confidence to undertake their everyday activities and be physically active safely and without the fear of falling. Participants attend weekly two-hour group sessions, during which they learn about strength and balance exercises, safe footwear, medication management, vision, nutrition, moving safely in the community and reducing hazards in the home environment. After completing the program, participants are provided with individualised follow-up and may attend a booster session 2 months later.